700 name in Zip file repeated: 701 first full name: 702 second full name: 703 replacing old Zip file 704 replace: could not delete 705 copying Zip file 706 replace: could not rename 707 replace: can't open 708 %s Zip file 709 fcopy: write error 710 Can't create output file: %s 711 Can't open input file: %s 712 Extracting 713 UnShrinking 714 Expanding 715 Exploding 716 Inflating 717 unknown compression 718 Zip file damaged: file %s: Bad CRC %08lx (should be %08lx) 719 Invalid Zip file header 720 Insufficient memory 721 Could not create %s - aborting extract operation 722 Testing 723 Extracting 724 Error writing to %s. Possible cause: disk full 725 Error reading %s. Possible cause: bad disk 726 was deleting moved files and directories 727 Could not replace original Zip file! New Zip left as %s 728 Error: %s (%s) 729 attempting to restore %s to its previous state 730 Warning: %s%s 731 name not matched: 732 cannot repeat names in Zip file 733 not found or empty 734 was processing list of files 735 allocating temp filename 736 updating %s 737 was zipping %s 738 could not open for reading: 739 will just copy entry over: 740 was copying %s 741 deleting %s 742 was adding files to Zip file 743 Adding %s 744 zero-length name for entry # 745 bad extended local header for 746 bad compressed size with extended header 747 extended local header not found for 748 incorrect compressed size 750 Output file size does not match size in header 751 File not expanded: you need a more recent version of LZEXPAND.DLL for this file 752 output buffer too small for in-memory compression 753 bad pack level 754 window allocation 755 hash table allocation 756 start %d, match %d, length %d\n 757 invalid match 758 - Only local floppy drives can be labeled 759 warning- 760 [empty] 763 test 764 link 765 warning 766 error 767 OK\n 768 central 769 lseek 770 EOF 771 local 772 COPY %s %s\n 775 segmentation violation 776 \n found end-of-central-dir signature at offset %I64i (%.8I64Xh)\n 777 from beginning of file; offset %u (%.4Xh) within block\n 778 directory not version 1 779 empty name without -j 780 zip diagnostic: excluding %s\n 781 (incomplete l-tree) 782 (incomplete d-tree) 783 Could not create directory %s\n A file with same name already exists\n Aborting extract operation 784 unknown flags 785 compressed with too many bits 786 read 787 corrupt input. 788 creating: %s\n 789 labeling %c: %-22s\n 790 unknown compiler 791 \nCreateFile error %d when trying set file time\n 792 \nwarning (%d): could not set file attributes\n 793 Path too long: %s\n 794 %s exists but is not directory\n unable to process %s.\n 795 Can't create %s\n unable to process %s.\n 796 Path too long; truncating\n %s\n -> %s\n 797 Can't create extraction directory: %s\n 798 warning: can't allocate wildcard buffers\n 799 creating: %-22s\n 800 skipping file: unable to create a sensible filename out of %s\n 801 mapname returns with filename = [%s] (error = %d)\n\n 802 labeling %s %-22s\n 803 mapname: error setting volume label\n 804 ct_init: out of memory 805 block vanished 808 was 809 s were 810 Archive: %s\n 811 %sEmpty Zip file.\n 812 [%s] comment:\n 813 Archive:... 814 cannot write Zip file to terminal 815 was processing arguments 816 zip diagnostic: %s %s 817 up to date 818 missing or before or after 819 total bytes=%lu, compressed=%lu -> %d%% savings\n 820 compressed size %ld, actual size %I64i for %s 821 extraneous central header signature 822 local and central headers differ for 823 offset %d--local = %02x, central = %02x 824 local offset in central header incorrect for 825 Warning: the fileid stored in the local directory (%s) doesn't match the name in the central directory (%s). 826 made by version %u.%u on system type %u: 827 needs unzip %u.%u on system type %u: 828 local flags = 0x%04x, central = 0x%04x: 829 undefined bits used in flags = 0x%04x: 830 unknown compression method %u: 831 starts on disk %u: 832 unknown internal attributes = 0x%04x: 833 unknown external attributes = 0x%08lx: 834 has %d bytes of extra data: 835 local extra (%d bytes) != central extra (%d bytes): 836 missing end signature--probably not a Zip file 837 multiple disk information ignored 838 count in end of central directory incorrect 839 central directory size is incorrect (made by stzip?) 840 central directory start is incorrect 841 garbage at end of Zip file ignored 842 zip diagnostic: trashing file %s\n 843 zip diagnostic: trashing directory %s (if empty)\n 844 cannot extend mmap on %s 845 file size changed from %I64i to %I64i bytes while zipping 846 can't rewrite method 847 zip -0 not supported for I/O on pipes or devices 848 s=%ld, actual=%I64i 849 There was insufficient disk space for 850 Unable to move 851 There is insufficient disk space on drive %s, the new Zip file requires %I64iK of disk space. 852 Please insert disk #%d in drive %s. 855 WinZip is unable to erase file(s) [%s] on the diskette in drive %s. Press OK to continue, or Cancel if you wish to abort. 856 WinZip is unable to format the diskette in drive %s. Insert a new diskette then select OK or select Cancel to abort. 857 Formatting Drive %s 858 Erasing Files on Drive %s 859 There is no diskette in drive %s.d.\n\nInsert a diskette in the drive and press Retry, or press Cancel to abort the current operation. 860 The diskette in drive %s is write protected and cannot be formatted.\n\nCorrect the problem and press Retry, or press Cancel to abort the current operation. 861 The requested density is unsupported on the specified drive. 862 skipping %s -- the password is incorrect\n 863 skipping %s -- the file is encrypted and its password wasn't specified\n 864 %d file%s skipped because of incorrect or missing password.\n 865 (may instead be incorrect password)\n 866 Please insert disk number %d of the spanned Zip file into drive %s 867 Internal error: invalid handle for LZExpand() 868 Unrecognizable compression method for LZExpand() 869 WinZip cannot open %s: it does not appear to be a valid archive.\n\nIf this file is part of a multi-disk archive set, then please insert the last disk of the archive set and try again. 870 The diskette in drive %s is labeled "%s", WinZip expected "%s".\n\n Do you want to use it anyway? 871 There was an error formatting the diskette in drive %s.\n\nInsert a diskette in the drive and press Retry, or press Cancel to abort the current operation. 872 There is no floppy in drive %s. Either insert a new diskette then select OK or select Cancel to abort the zip operation. 873 %s requires an unsupported zip compression scheme 874 Spanned archives can only be created on local drives that support removable media 875 Spanned archives can only be created on drives that support removable media 876 The diskette in drive %s is the first diskette of a spanned archive set.\n\nPlease insert the last diskette of the spanned set into the drive and select OK. 877 The diskette in drive %s does not contain a complete Zip file.\n\nIf it is part of a spanned archive set, please insert the last diskette of the set into the drive and select OK; otherwise select Cancel. 878 All files on the diskette in drive %s will be lost.\n\nSelect IGNORE to continue with the current diskette anyway, ABORT to end the current zip operation immediately, or insert a new diskette and select Retry. 879 This disk has already contains %s. Please insert another diskette. 880 The file is too big to be stored in a Zip file and will be skipped: 883 info: overwriting read only, system, or hidden file %s\n 884 info: skipping read only, system, or hidden file %s\n 885 Cannot write to disk. Please insert another diskette for use as disk #%d in drive %s 886 Disk is full - there is no room to create a file on this disk. Please insert another disk. 887 Done 888 Interrupted 889 skipping %s -- no update needed\n 895 [text] 896 [binary] 902 WinZip 907 Including %s\n 908 Excluding %s\n 911 Error loading LZ32.DLL 912 DosDateTime failed: %d\n 913 LocalFileTime failed: %d\n 914 *** Unable to set the file's timestamp(%s)\n 915 \nwarning (%d): could not set attributes for directory\n 916 *** Error %d when trying set directory time\n 917 Error: unexpected end of file encountered\n 918 !Unable to label disk in drive %s.\n\nPossible cause: disk contains files with long names or mixed case filenames created under Windows 95 or NT.\n\n 919 Processing will continue, but when you unzip these files, WinZip will issue a message stating that the disk does not contain the expected label. 920 The following file is open by another program. If that program 921 writes to the file while WinZip is zipping the file, the zipped 922 file may be corrupt: 923 Would you like WinZip to try to continue with the next file? 924 WinZip will attempt to continue using the value(s) stored in the central directory 925 WinZip will attempt to continue using the corrected value(s) 926 Error [%s]: unrecoverable zip file read error\n 927 \nI/O error - unable to read from zip file\n 928 Please insert another diskette for use as disk #%d in drive %s 929 Erasing: %s 930 Removing: %s 931 WinZip is about to create a Zip file on removable disk %s %s 932 labeled [%s] 933 allocating zip filename 934 Unknown gzip compression method 935 Cannot open encrypted gzip file 936 Cannot open multi-part gzip file 937 Cannot open gzip file with reserved bytes 938 Trailing garbage in GZIP file, decompression ended 939 Unable to erase the file: 940 Unable to remove the directory: 941 Moving Files... 942 Zip file is empty, can't make it as old as latest entry 943 Zip file has only directories, can't make it as old as latest entry 944 creating Zip file 945 Zip files are not allowed to contain more than 65535 files, but you are trying to create a Zip file containing %ld files 946 allocating comment 947 copying %s 948 The archive %s is larger than 4GB - which is the maximum size of a Zip file 949 Invalid Compressed Data -- unable to inflate 950 Insufficient memory -- unable to inflate 951 name to exclude not matched: 952 the file's time stamp "%s" is outside the range of dates supported by the zip file specification. "%s" will be used instead. 953 For file "%s", the time stamp in the %s directory is invalid, using the current system time instead.\n 954 Searching ... 955 %sUnable to create directory: %s\n 956 Unable to process %s\n 957 The device is not ready. Unable to open: %s\n 958 %s appears to contain a .zip file, but is most likely a self-extracting file in a format other than .zip. To process this file anyway, rename it to .zip, then re-run WinZip.\n 5000 Central and local directory mismatch 5001 (version needed to extract - local: %hX hex central: %hX hex) 5002 (general purpose flags - local: %hX hex central: %hX hex) 5003 (compression method - local: %hu central: %hu) 5004 (timestamp - local: %lX hex central: %lX hex) 5005 (timestamp - local: %s central: %s) 5006 (crc-32 - local: %lX hex central: %lX hex) 5007 (compressed size - local: %lu central: %lu) 5008 (uncompressed size - local: %lu central: %lu) 7002 note: didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir.\n 7003 error: expected central file header signature not found (file #%u).\n 7004 Severe Error [%s]: When testing/extracting WinZip was unable to read file #%d in the Zip file\n 7005 caution: filename not matched: %s\n 7006 caution: excluded filename not matched: %s\n 7007 Compiled with %s%s for %s%s%s%s.\n\n 7008 Possible cause: file transfer error 7104 caution: not extracting; -d ignored\n 7105 error: must specify directory to which to extract with -d option\n 7106 error [%s]: reported length of central directory is %I64i bytes too long (Atari STZip Zip file? J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1 Zip file?). Compensating...\n 7107 error: -fn or any combination of -c, -l, -p, -t, -u and -v options invalid\n 7108 caution: both -n and -o specified; ignoring -o\n 7109 error: can't allocate unzip buffers\n 7122 %s\n 7123 7124 %16s: %s\n 7125 [none] 7154 %d archive%s successfully processed.\n 7155 %d archive%s had warnings but no fatal errors.\n 7156 %d archive%s had fatal errors.\n 7157 %d file%s had no Zip file directory.\n 7158 1 "Zip file" was a directory.\n 7159 %d "Zip files" were directories.\n 7160 No Zip files found.\n 7161 WinZip can't interpret the Zip file structure in %s: it does not appear to be a valid archive.\n 7162 WinZip can't find %s.\n 7163 note: %s may be a plain executable, not an archive\n 7164 Zip file is part of a multi-disk archive, and this is not the disk on which the central Zip file directory begins.\n 7165 error [%s]: Zip file is part of multi-disk archive (sorry, not yet supported).\n 7166 warning [%s]: Zip file claims to be last disk of a multi-part archive; attempting to process anyway, assuming all parts have been concatenated together in order. Expect "errors" and warnings...\n 7167 warning [%s]: extra %I64i bytes at beginning or within Zip file (attempting to process anyway)\n 7168 error [%s]: missing %I64i bytes in Zip file (attempting to process anyway)\n 7169 error [%s]: NULL central directory offset (attempting to process anyway)\n 7170 warning [%s]: Zip file is empty\n 7171 error [%s]: start of central directory not found; Zip file corrupt.\n%s 7172 caution: Zip file comment truncated\n 7173 [-Z] 7200 skipping: %-22s requires %s version %u.%u to extract (WinZip supports up to version %u.%u)\n 7201 skipping: %-22s unsupported compression method %d\n 7202 %s: bad filename length (%s)\n 7203 %s: bad extra field length (%s)\n 7204 Error in file #%d: bad Zip file offset (%s): %I64i\n 7205 %8sing: %-22s %s%s 7206 %s %s: %I64i bytes required to uncompress to %lu bytes; %s supposed to require %lu bytes%s%s%s\n 7207 %s: bad file comment length\n 7208 Error local header signature not found 7209 Error in file #%d: bad local header\n 7210 (attempting to re-compensate)\n 7211 Skipping Volume Label: %-22s %s\n 7213 NULL (assuming [N]one)\n 7214 new name: 7215 error: invalid response [%c]\n 7216 At least one %serror was detected in %s.\n 7217 Caution: zero files tested in %s.\n 7218 %s: stored in VMS format. Extract anyway? (y/n) 7219 skipping: %-22s unable to get password\n 7220 skipping: %-22s incorrect password\n 7221 %d file%s skipped because of incorrect password.\n 7222 (may instead be incorrect password)\n 7223 skipping: %-22s encrypted (not supported)\n 7224 No errors detected in compressed data of %s.\n 7225 No errors detected in %s for the %d file%s tested.\n 7226 %d file%s skipped because of unsupported compression or encoding.\n 7227 Error: %s%s %s\n 7228 Error: %s%s\n 7229 not enough memory to 7230 invalid compressed data to 7231 inflate 7232 explode 7233 unshrink 7234 %s: unknown compression method\n 7235 bad CRC %08lx (should be %08lx)\n 7236 warning: unsupported extra field compression type--skipping\n 7237 error [%s]: bad extra field CRC %08lx (should be %08lx)\n 7238 Error in file #%d: bad Zip file offset (%s): disk #%d offset: %I64i\n 7239 Error extended local header signature not found 7240 Error in file #%d: bad extended local header\n 7300 error: cannot delete old %s\n 7301 Error: cannot open Zip file %s.\nProbable cause: file doesn't exist or file sharing or file permissions problem\n 7302 Error: %sCannot create %s\n 7303 Error: zip file read error\n 7305 error: Zip file probably corrupt (%s)\n 7306 End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a Zip file, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.\n 7307 warning: filename too long--truncating.\n 7308 warning: extra field too long (%d). Ignoring...\n 7400 warning: can't allocate wildcard buffers\n 7401 mapname: conversion of %s failed\n 7402 mapname: error setting volume label\n 7403 checkdir error: path too long: %s\n 7404 checkdir error: can't create %s unable to process %s.\n 7405 checkdir error: %s exists but is not directory\n unable to process %s.\n 7406 checkdir warning: path too long; truncating\n %s\n -> %s\n 7407 checkdir: can't create extraction directory: %s\n 8000 Unexpected end of Zip file 8001 Zip file structure invalid 8002 Out of memory 8003 Internal logic error 8004 Interrupted 8005 Temporary file failure - possible cause: disk full 8006 Input file read failure 8007 No files were found for this action that match your criteria - nothing to do. 8008 Missing or empty Zip file 8009 Output file write failure - possible cause: disk full 8010 Could not create output file 8011 Invalid ZIP request 8012 File not found or no read/write permission or sharing problem 8013 Unable to erase file(s) 8014 Unable to remove directory 8015 Error formatting diskette on target drive 8016 Unsupported compression scheme detected in Zip file 8017 The new archive is larger than 4GB - which is the maximum size of a Zip file 8019 Unrecoverable seek error in output file 8020 The old archive is larger than 4GB - which is the maximum size of a Zip file